Salesforce updates Trailhead with tool for customized learning




Salesforce on Wednesday is updating Trailhead, its “gamified” online learning platform, with a way to let users build and share their own customized curriculum.

With a tool called Trailhead Trailmix, users can mix different learning “trails,” modules, projects and superbadges. Along with creating their own, users can add on to existing Trailmixes. They can share the mixes on social media or Salesforce’s Chatter. It basically lets people “create their own learning mixes for things they want to learn or things they think other people should learn,” Sarah Franklin, Salesforce’s GM of Trailhead, told ZDNet.

Since Trailhead launched in late 2014, more than 450,000 users have earned more than million badges. Those badges represent skills built in areas like digital marketing, building mobile apps, or learning about AI.

The social element of the tool is crucial, Franklin said. Members of the community “turn to each other for inspiration and learning. This empowers them to mentor and support one another.”

While individuals can customize mixes, employers can also create mixes to onboard employees or help them gain new skills. Various product groups and teams within Salesforce have been using the tool internally for about a month.


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