Save $15 on iPhone battery replacement that comes to you



ZDNet’s Business Bargain Hunter scours the web for great deals on computers, phones, services and much more. Prices and availability are accurate at the time deals are shared. Some products and services may not be available outside the US. Follow BBH on Facebook and Twitter, where he’s known as The Cheapskate.


See this? It happens in your office on your schedule, not at an Apple Store.


Make no mistake: Your iPhone battery needs replacing. Indeed, if it’s over a year old, normal wear and tear will have diminished its capacity to hold a charge. And let’s not forget that an aging battery can, ahem, impede performance.

Apple will replace said aging batteries for $29, but it’s a hassle: You either have to make an appointment at an Apple Store (then actually go to the Apple Store, for who-knows-how-long), or mail your iPhone to Apple, which will take — oh, let’s be serious, if it takes more than 30 minutes, it’s not a viable option. (Realistically, it takes 1-2 weeks, and it’s not like you can drive a loaner while you’re waiting.)

You’re far too busy and important for delays like that. What you need is a battery-repair tech who shows up at your office, swaps out your battery while you’re finishing up that TPS report, then disappears into the night like so many TPS reports.

Puls offers just such a service, and for a limited time, BBH readers can save $15 on any scheduled phone-repair service (iPhone or otherwise, battery or otherwise) by using code ZDPuls15.