Consent Tracker may be the most worrying tech product of the year


Now this truly is love. But first, let’s check the app.

Screenshot by ZDNet

Yet Consent Tracker’s creators make clear that, despite its headline, this isn’t exactly a safety thing: “The Consent Tracker App is not a replacement for the traditional safe dating practices, but can be used to help build a more respectful and consensual dating experience.”

Since when has clicking on an app been more respectful than, say, looking someone in the eyes?

The app’s makers, however, believe this is the epitome of a new fun. The app’s spokesman told me: “The app will have a layered menu that daters use while on the date, from arranging that first date, picking where, café, bar, cinema etc and then
drinks, what type of a drink, food — just as a normal date would happen.”


I’m sure that in this world of constant micro-aggressions and slights, some might think everything needs to be in writing long before anything happens in a bar.

But here are a few of the allegedly enticing aspects of this app, according to its makers: “Location tracking, confirm consent throughout the date, create private notes on your date experience” (oh, very useful), and the quite mesmerizing “earn rewards as you move through your agreed date.”

If you kiss him, you get 15 points toward a free drink at Johnny Rockets?

Do you really need an app to “track your dates and agree to move forward at a pace you are happy with or decline when not right for you”?

Has our ability to communicate become so lost that we need an app to make things clear?


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