Microsoft Teams search just got this major update


Liam Tung

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Liam Tung, Contributor

Liam Tung

Liam Tung

Liam Tung is an Australian business technology journalist living a few too many Swedish miles north of Stockholm for his liking. He gained a bachelors degree in economics and arts (cultural studies) at Sydney’s Macquarie University, but hacked (without Norse or malicious code for that matter) his way into a career as an enterprise tech, security and telecommunications journalist with ZDNet Australia.

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on December 10, 2021

| Topic: Productivity

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Microsoft has updated the search function in Microsoft Teams with a new results interface and an AI boost for more relevant results. 

The Teams search function should now be more consistent with search in other Microsoft products and deliver faster results, according to a Microsoft blogpost. The update is generally available. 

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