Humble Mobile Bundle 3 is Android-only, offering 6 games for your charitable donation


More games to come next week for those who donate over the average

The third iteration of the Humble Mobile Bundle is now available and accepting donations for a group of six Android-only games. As is the case each time, the donation model lets you pay what you want for the games below, with some of the proceeds going to developers and the rest going to a pair of great charities.

  • rymdkapsel
  • SpellTower
  • Swordigo (new to Android)

In addition to the above four games, if you donate over the average (currently just $4.58) you’ll also receive two more games. You’ll also have access to any additional games that are added to the Mobile Bundle 3 next week, as is often the case.

  • Ridiculous Fishing (new to Android)
  • Kingdom Rush

Head to the source link below and donate what you feel is appropriate to receive four or six great Android games.

Source: Humble Bundle