Play lyrics alongside YouTube music videos in Microsoft Edge


If you are in the mood for some karaoke but don’t quite know the lyrics to your favorite songs, Microsoft Edge and Cortana have your back! Learn how to open lyrics of any song you’re playing in YouTube right alongside.


A subtle feature that has managed to sneak its way under our noses is a remarkable one that is certainly going to be my favorite.

Similar to searching for a similar images using Cortana pre-dating the Anniversary Update in Microsoft Edge, and controlling the playback speed of videos, the fledgling browser has managed to impress us once more.

Cortana / Bing automatically pulls up song lyrics

If you are like me and occasionally enjoy singing along to your favorite tunes on YouTube, you might have trouble keeping the lyrics page and the YouTube video open on the same screen.

A subtle feature that has been flying under the radar ever since the Anniversary Update is how Microsoft Edge and Cortana work in synergy to now bring you the lyrics to the music video or piece of music you are currently listening to.

To do so, simply load any piece of music you wish on YouTube (preferably a music video), and Cortana will appear in the address bar, offering you the lyrics to said video. It is highlighted in yellow.

How Cortana will offer you lyrics.

If you accept her offer, the lyrics will come to you in the following manner:

The lyrics presented.

If you want to take a keyboard shortcut, you only need to press ALT + C to bring the lyrics instantly!

Shortcut to getting the lyrics to show.

I tried to do it with other videos, more prominently with videos that are part of games. Unfortunately, it didn’t offer the option for subtitles.

Doesn't work with video game music.

Microsoft Edge is becoming my browser of choice

This is a really handy feature to have access to. I know I plan on making good use of this feature the next time I want to sing-along to a favorite song.

Other browsers do offer this option, albeit via the help of third-party extensions, such as Musixmatch on Google Chrome.

It is just surprising to find that Microsoft Edge keeps coming up with new ways to surprise users with unique and robust innate features that no other browsers offer without extensions, but have to be explored from sheer curiosity.

With features like these constantly appearing, it won’t be soon until Microsoft Edge manages to win me over and I am convinced to make it my primary browser.

Time and again we are shown the wonderful combination of Windows 10, Microsoft Edge and Cortana, it is a shame that such a magnificent browser is downplayed because of an ill-reputed predecessor.

While I know I am going to have a fantastic time singing along to my favorite songs, let us know in the comments section below on what are your thoughts about the hidden feature in Microsoft Edge and whether you plan on making use of it too!