Another theory behind the Nexus One name


White Zomebie

It’s long been believed that Google’s Nexus One was named after a class of robots in Phil K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (enough so that Dick’s family has accused Google of trademark violations). But astute AC reader Roger has come up with an alternative theory:

I was listening to music on my DROID this morning and came across the song
“More Human than Human” by White Zombie. About 3:25 in the song he actually says “I am the nexus one.” I get the definition of Nexus One and the idea
behind it, but then it hit me. Android? More Human than Human? Nexus One in
the lyrics. I see a relationship, you?

Indeed, we do, Roger. Indeed we do. (Though more likely Mr. Zombie cribbed from the same material.)