Sprint Keeps Us Updated On The Android 2.1 Update By Telling Us Nothing New



Sprint had previously informed us via Twitter that they would update all of their Android devices to Android 2.0 in the first half of 2010. That was great news–back in October. And then they reminded us again in December. And then it was clarified to be 2.1 shortly after that. Now in January, a Sprint Employee keeps the masses at bay by saying that “things are going very well so far” in testing and they’re still on target to release it the first half of 2010. To quote:

A while back we announced our plans to update our Android devices to 2.1 in the first half of 2010. I just wanted to follow up with a quick status. The 2.1 update is currently being tested and things are going very well so far.  We’re still targeting the first half of 2010 and if things continue to go smoothly we should have the update well within that time frame. I’m sure there will be a lot of questions about procedures and more exact time-frames but for now I won’t be able to say much more. I just wanted you all to know that things are still on track.

It’s really considerate of Sprint to inform us and keep us updated throughout the process, but there’s hardly any new information being passed around. It’s just re-hashing what we already know. And with the target date of the ‘first half 2010’ being so incredibly vague, we wish they would have specified a month at least. But oh well. Just know that the Android 2.1 update is coming to you Sprint Android users. We hope soon.

[sprint via androidandme]