Google I/O registration open April 8-10, will choose random applicants


Google I/O

Good news for folks who have been shut out of the Google I/O developer conference in past years. This year, things are going random. As in no more first-come/first-served, sold-out-in-60 minutes schemes.

Here’s the deal: You’ll be able to register from 5 a.m. PDT April 8 to 5 p.m. PDT April 10. Google will then choose applicants at random, and send ticket confirmation emails thereafter. It doesn’t matter whether you registered first, or last.

Google I/O takes place June 25-26 in San Francisco. General admission tickets are $900. A limited number of academic tickets will be available and cost $300.

Google’s new Google I/O website is also live. And it’s glorious. As it’s done in previous years, many of the tracks will be streamed live, so you won’t miss out if you can’t be at I/O. Plus there will be “extended” events around the world, so you can watch with friends.

Source: Google Developers

Ed. Note: Google’s announcement initially said registration would be open April 7-9. We’ve edited to reflect the correction.