Announcing the ‘Weekly Photo Contest: Light and Shadows’ winners!


Weekly Photo Contest: Light and Shadows

Dozens of fantastic entries were submitted, but we had to pick five that stood out from the rest

We gave you the task of taking photos that followed the prompt of “Light and Shadows” this week, and the entries we received hit the nail on the head across the board. We saw dozens of fantastic entries that filled up five full pages in the forums, and it’s unfortunate that we could only pick five winners out of the group.

The winners came out with something a little extra special to be picked this week, though, and you can see all of the winning entries below.

Winner of an Android mini collectible, joonyboy!

Weekly Photo Contest: Light and Shadows

When we came up with this week’s prompt, these are the exact kind of pictures we had in mind. The sun is just about to completely set, casting light over the water and down the side of the bridge, with the shadows giving interesting outlines that draw your eye to the lighter parts. This picture was taken with a Nexus 4 in HDR mode, and it’s a beauty.

Winner of an Android mini collectible, Deegan!

Weekly Photo Contest: Light and Shadows

This one has a bit more color in it, but still makes playful use of light and shadows. Not only do you get the perfectly clear window with a blue sky background, but you also get the elongated shadow of the window creating a cool pattern on the red wall. This was taken with a Nexus 5 — excellent perspective.

Winner of an Android mini collectible, HennersL!

Weekly Photo Contest: Light and Shadows

We have to admit that this one was helped by the beautiful architecture of the Louvre, but the focus on the sky that helps everything else fade into darkness provides a very neat contrast. This photo was taken with an HTC One and processed in Google+.

Winner of an Android mini collectible, steelrain82!

Weekly Photo Contest: Light and Shadows

We’re looking at more of a shadow-heavy picture here, but the scene still plays out well and you know what you’re looking at. The shadows created with the light coming from the side offer unique-looking silhouettes that tell a great story. Taken with a Galaxy Note 2.

Winner of an Android mini collectible, Damien_Starr!

Weekly Photo Contest: Light and Shadows

The bright sun coming through this tunnel creates an interesting burst of color right in the middle of what would otherwise be a pretty bland landscape, and it creates an interesting focal point. Taken with an LG G2 and edited in Pixlr Express — great picture.

Keep an eye on your doorsteps and mailboxes for a package, the Android mini collectibles are on their way!

Thanks again to everyone else who entered, and keep your eyes peeled for the next photo contest. We want the chance to give away more great prizes to everyone, so keep taking pictures and entering them!

  • More: Photo Contests in the Android Central Forums