Celebrate the Rio Olympics with these sporty wallpapers!


While most of us can be forgiven if we show our patriotism on the inside, but during the Olympics it’s time to let the flags and face paint fly… or, you could put an Olympic wallpaper on your phone to remind yourself to check out the results every now and then. Whether you’re rooting for athletes you watch all year long or athletes you’ve never seen before (and never will again), the Olympics has something for everyone…

Let’s just hope it’s not Zika.

Olympic Flame

Light a torch...

While there have been many awesome Olympic flames over the years, the one in Vancouver remains my favorite. Even if it did mess up during the opening ceremony. We don’t talk about that, though. Isn’t it pretty? Does it light the fires of patriotism and athletic competition in your heart?

Olympic Flame

Rio Olympics

Fantasy can be for real in Rio...

This stylized poster feels like ti could fit on your home screen long after the closing ceremony, with its subtle rings and beautiful layers. With the moon and the stars, it kinda takes my breath away…

Rio Olympics

Flags Collection from GaryckArntzen


Want to cheer on your country of choice? Well, they may not have every country, but these spattered flag wallpapers are messy enough for real life yet still easy enough to recognize instantly and stir some national pride within you! U! S! A! U! S! A! U! S! A! Oh, and the rest of the other countries. Go for gold!

Flags Collection from GaryckArntzen

The Olympic Pokeball by wazzy88

Pikachu takes the gold!

There’s something about the Olympic motto that makes it feel like it applies to Pokemon Training…also, this beautiful lunar Poké Ball looks like it’s ready to hold the strongest Pokémon a country can find. Which Pokémon would you want to compete in Olympic events? I’m saying Manaphy for the 100 meter freestyle.

The Olympic Poké Ball by wazzy88

2020 Olympics

Let's go, Tokyo!

The closing ceremony will be here before we know it, but never fear! There’ll be another one in four years, and guess what?! NEXT ONE’S IN JAPAN! Pardon me for a moment as I squee at the idea of being able to both see an Olympics, take in the culture of Japan, and then pop over to Tokyo Disney and die of happiness at all of the magic in there. Well, it may be four years away, but it’s never too early to start planning the trip of a lifetime, right?

2020 Olympics